hawaii acordes maluma ukulele

Cm. Create and get +5 IQ. Acordes, Letra y Tablatura de la canción Hawái de Maluma. Wishing you much love, peace and joy, Satya Colombo, Fierce Wisdom January 2014, Riviera Nayarit, México 1 of 16. ¿Cómo tocar Hawái en la guitarra?. UKULELE CHORDS CHART • 180 CHORDS = Bb, = Db, = Eb, = Gb and = Ab Gbm7 Gbmaj7 ÇGb6 Gbm Gbaug Gbdim Gbm9 Gdim Gm9 Abdim Gb7 Ab7 b Gb9 Ab9 Gbm6 Gm6 (Gbadd9 Gbsus2 Gm7 Gsus2 Abm7 Gbsus4 Gb7sus4 Gm Gaug Gadd9 Abaug Gmaj7 Gsus4 G7sus4 Abm Ab6 Abmaj7 4/4 Abm6 íAbadd9 Abm9 Absus2 íAbsus4 Ab7sus4 1,312 views, added to favorites 115 times. Make it your own, share it freely, and play some good music! 3. 1 of 17.

Aprende esta canción y muchas mas en acordesweb. Difficulty: novice. Tuning: G C E A. May it accompany you on many journeys, along with my little ‘Happy Ukulele Songbook,’ and bring you endless moments of eternal sweetness.

Chords. 1. Download Pdf. 3fr. Author xmar111 [pro] 58. Strumming. Borro Casette ukulele chords by Maluma. There is no strumming pattern for this song yet. Last edit on Nov 11, 2016. 2. Gm. Hawaii called the Ukulele.


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