agricultura cerealista comercial
Obecni na szkoleniu doradcy za najbardziej przydatne aspekty uznali: zapoznanie się z wynikami projektu PANACEA, charakterystykę i opis nowych RNŻ wraz z perspektywami ich wykorzystania na produkty wysokiej wartości, a następnie jako wsad do produkcji biopaliw czy bioenergii. - 1 sorgho (CIVE) précoce semé après une orge fin juin/début juillet. Posteriormente se abordó la situación y perspectivas en relación al mercado de la bioeconomía. /* TOP Right*/ Farmers could increase their profits setting up a processing plant in their cooperatives to obtain the essential oil (more profits) and market it directly. Short summary for practitioners (native language): Spanish value chain event on non-food crops alternatives. 3. right: 0; In spite of considerable investment in research and development, NFC are not widespread in European agriculture, mainly due to challenges in supply chains as well as gaps in the policy framework and in the investment incentives. }); Los sistemas de cultivo Comme il existe des unités de méthanisation dans la région, leur biomasse peut être utilisée comme matière première pour la production de biogaz. items:2 - technical recommendations on the use and equipment for direct seeding Lavandin and camelina were the crops that aroused more interest within the audience. In June, an unusual meteorological event took place in the middle area of Navarra where the Orisoain’s trial was established. Introducción. Pese a que en ambos ensayos las plántulas se desarrollaron adecuadamente, en Orisoain el establecimiento del cultivo fue más largo. Często wymienianym aspektem dalszych szkoleń mogłyby być również przykłady wykorzystania RNŻ w biznesie lokalnym i globalnym. 4. Among other combinations, 2 crop sequences with an ECC were proposed in longer rotations: Farmers see the greatest use potential in the cultivation of cereals, rape, lupin, willow, hemp or lavender. Warsztat, organizowany w ramach projektu PANACEA, był jednym z narzędzi promujących uprawę roślin nieżywnościowych (RNŻ) w Polsce. La CIVE d’hiver est semée mi-septembre après un travail superficiel du sol et récoltée début mai avant le semis direct du maïs (fertilisation de 20-30 m3/ha de digestat au printemps). PANACEA Online Platform will facilitate the dissemination of results and interaction between stakeholders from all over Europe. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Extensive online help - available wherever you are in CAB Direct. Alternatively, it could also be dried and sold as organic fertilizer. The workshop participants and the lecturers discussed about possibilities of bioproducts manufacturing and related problems in Poland. Il 20 Febbraio 2020 si è tenuta la giornata dimostrativa con le visite presso: un impianto di teleriscaldamento a cippato del Comune di Vicchio; i laboratori e gli impianti pilota del consorzio Re-Cord a Scarperia del Mugello; una coltivazione di cardo presso l’Azienda Agricola “La Commenda” (Vicchio); l’allevamento bovino della Soc. New process technologies are currently developed to increase the efficiency of ethanol extraction from sugar beets. As there are plant units in the region, their biomass can be used as raw material for biogas production. W czasie warsztatów przedstawiono informacje o projekcie PANACEA, partnerstwa EIP-Agri oraz różnych sieciach tematycznych realizowanych w sektorze rolniczym. - modalités d’implantation dans le précédent The conference, aimed mainly at farmers and cooperatives (but also at other agricultural professionals, bio-products industries, research and teaching staff, administration and regulatory bodies), was developed with the aim of transferring knowledge and training on the management, profitability and marketing of new crops. responsiveClass:true, There is a renewed interest, since hemp has been cultivated in the past on great areas (in 1940 Italy was the main European producer with about 90,000 hectares) both in the north and in the south of Italy. - espèces adaptées Nowadays, some farmers in Poland swap from animal production, which is labour intensive, to plant production. U.D.2. dotsEach:false, topola i wierzba) do produkcji energii cieplnej i elektrycznej.   // custom navigation button for slider 600 : { Find out more about this exciting new development, Using our new visualization tools you can, Using our new highlighting and annotation tool you can, remove selected records that are not saved in My CABI, sign you out of your 19th Km Marathonos Avenue applicable cases of Non-Food Crops and at the cooperation between research, industry and farming community, in order to increase the contribution of Non-Food Crops to the European Bio-economy Strategy. 1.2. Pour s’assurer de la réussite agronomique, économique et environnementale de l’introduction de CIVE, des besoins complémentaires en R&D ont été identifiés :


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