comisaría lleva tilde

Se produce un hiato formado por una vocal débil acentuada (i,u) junto a una vocal fuerte (a,e,o). {\displaystyle (x_{1},x_{2},x_{3},\ldots ,x_{n})={\underset {^{\sim }}{\mathbf {x} }}} {\displaystyle {\tilde {\mathbf {y} }}} In some languages, the tilde is a diacritic mark placed over a letter to indicate a change in its pronunciation: The tilde was first used in the polytonic orthography of Ancient Greek, as a variant of the circumflex, representing a rise in pitch followed by a return to standard pitch. In the juggling notation system Beatmap, tilde can be added to either "hand" in a pair of fields to say "cross the arms with this hand on top". If a and b denote objects, the boolean expression a ~ b has value true if and only if these objects are equal, as defined by the applicable version of the library routine is_equal, which by default denotes field-by-field object equality but can be redefined in any class to support a specific notion of equality. La palabra cobardía lleva tilde en la tercera sílaba «dí». In the CSS stylesheet language, the tilde is used for the indirect adjacent combinator as part of a selector. The \sim command produce a tilde-like binary relation symbol that is often used in mathematical expressions, and the double-tilde ≈ is obtained with \approx.
Terra est duae carucae. (For example, ~ then n produces ñ). Another approximation symbol is the double tilde ≈, meaning "approximately equal to". Se produce un hiato formado por una vocal débil acentuada (i,u) junto a una vocal fuerte (a,e,o). For example, an electron is referred to by the letter e, and its superpartner the selectron is written ẽ. Los diptongos pueden ser crecientes (cuando el núcleo silábico se encuentra en la primera vocal) o decreciente (cuando el núcleo silábico se encuentra en la segunda vocal). [citation needed] When prepended to a particular username, the tilde indicates that user's home directory (e.g., ~janedoe for the home directory of user janedoe, such as /home/janedoe). ) The connection stems from the use of the tilde above the letter ⟨n⟩ to form the (different) letter ⟨ñ⟩ in Spanish, a feature shared by only a few other languages, all historically connected to Spanish. In "math mode" a tilde diacritic can be written as, e.g., \tilde{x}. Los verbos, tomando sus diferentes formas, pueden manifestar distintos pormenores de la acción; así pues, con el verbo "jugar", por ejemplo, se puede decir: Yo juego, tú juegas, ellos jugarán, nosotros habíamos jugado, etc. Mills Mess is thus represented as (~2x,1)(1,2x)(2x,~1)*.[52]. Muy bueno, la verdad yo no sé cómo lo hago pero poco a poco he aprendido, Pero también depende. Palabras agudas: son aquellas cuya última sílaba es tónica, deben llevar tilde aquellas que acaben en vocal, ene o ese. ) Terra est quadraginta carucae. The same technology was adopted to create a dead key mechanism for a Portuguese keyboard so the ~ was born as a typographical character to be overstruck with a and o. Se utiliza para indicar la mayor intensidad en la pronunciación de una sílaba dentro de una palabra. A triple tilde (≋) is often used to show congruence, an equivalence relation in geometry. Thus, the commonly used words Anno Domini were frequently abbreviated to Ao Dñi, with an elevated terminal with a suspension mark placed over the "n". The tilde (/ˈtɪldə/[1] or /ˈtɪldi/), ˜ or ~), is a grapheme with several uses. The tilde is used in the AWK programming language as part of the pattern match operators for regular expressions: A variant of this, with the plain tilde replaced with =~, was adopted in Perl, and this semi-standardization has led to the use of these operators in other programming languages, such as Ruby or the SQL variant of the database PostgreSQL. ¿Lleva tilde? [48] Also, in pattern-matching, the tilde is used to indicate a lazy pattern match.[49]. As indicated by the etymological origin of the word "tilde" in English, this symbol has been closely associated with the Spanish language. ~ In statistics and probability theory, the tilde means "is distributed as";[7] see random variable. El diptongo se puede formar por la unión de dos vocales débiles o cerradas (i, u), o por una vocal fuerte o abierta (a, e, o) y otra débil sólo cuando la vocal débil no es débil. It is a weaker statement than stating that x equals y.

For example, [ljɔ̃] is the IPA transcription of the pronunciation of the French place-name Lyon. Me gusto al aporte amigo, ya se me estaba olvidando eso ....que bueno que lo recordaste, saludos:drunk: Muy buen aporte, sólo te faltó un detalle. Permite distinguir palabras iguales, pero que pertenecen a categorías gramaticales o tienen significados diferentes.   can be made, where A tilde over the letter n (

Se trata de una pequeña rayita oblicua, siempre encima de una vocal, escrita de abajo hacia arriba. In C++ and C#, the tilde is also used as the first character in a class's method name (where the rest of the name must be the same name as the class) to indicate a destructor – a special method which is called at the end of the object's life. Comisaría lleva tilde. La separación en sílabas de POLICÍA queda así: po-li-cí-a, debe llevar tilde para romper el diptongo. When the 'normal' character was typed, it is printed under the previously-typed tilde, creating the desired accented character. The wave dash is also used to separate a title and a subtitle in the same line, as a colon is used in English. x Some languages and alphabets use the tilde for other purposes: The following letters using the tilde as a diacritic exist as precomposed or combining Unicode characters: The tilde is used in various ways in punctuation: In some languages (though not generally in English),[citation needed] a tilde-like wavy dash may be used as punctuation (instead of an unspaced hyphen, en dash or em dash) between two numbers, to indicate a range rather than subtraction or a hyphenated number (such as a part number or model number). This distinguishes it from the small tilde ( ˜ ) introduced with Windows-1252, which is always raised. Beginbook, 2006 - 61 pages. This article is about the punctuation and diacritical mark.


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