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Pension (Pensión) Decrease of an asset value according to the market conditions, which does not necessarily mean a loss in the resources value since it is about a valuation at a timely moment and in a completely conjunctural manner. Transfers Received (Traspasos Recibidos) Transfer from the worker’s individual account made by an AFORE without the worker’s consent; or, if the worker’s consent is obtained by means of deceit, coercion, intimidation, threats or any other similar conduct; or if the transfer is carried out by using false or forged documents or by means of false documents or signatures; or if the AFORE, in common agreement with the employer or with the employer’s representatives or with any other person able to exert pressure on the worker, obtains the registration in exchange for the delivery of an amount of money, or of the provision of any service, or by granting any kind of any benefit or consideration on behalf of the employer or the latter’s representatives, as well as whenever the AFORE obtains the worker’s registration in exchange for the delivery of an amount of money, or of the provision of any service, or by granting any kind of any benefit or consideration, contrary to what has been authorized, on behalf of itself. It is a registry instrument assigned to all the people living in the national territory, as well as to the Mexicans living abroad. CURP Population Register Sole Key (Clave Única de Registro de Población)

Credit instruments provided for in the Stock Market Law, and which represent the individual stockholding of the holders under a joint credit managed by corporations, or under a trust capital. Contesta nuestra encuesta de satisfacción. Document issued by the ISSSTE certifying that the worker is entitled to receive a pension, the document of which is essential to make the respective withdrawal of the individual account resources.

Such instrument shall be deemed as a part of the individual account and added to the amount of the same as from January 2008, and that amount shall be taken into account for calculating the pension. Promoting Agent (Agente Promotor) Such article provides for gradual modifications of the requirements that would have become effective before the 1st of April, 2007 as concerns retirement (for example, minimum retirement age and service years). The Government sells the instruments at determined terms and binds itself to pay a premium (interest) upon the expiration of the same. Amount charged by the AFORES to the worker as a payment for the service of management, custody and investment of the individual account resources. Governments, Central Banks and Governmental Agencies of member countries of the Technical Committee of the International Organization of Stock Exchange Commissions and the European Union and the entities that issue securities under the regulation and supervision of such bodies, as well as to the multilateral organisms. The INFONAVIT, in the case of IMSS workers, and the FOVISSSTE, for the ISSSTE workers, are the entities that collect and manage the contributions made in this respect. ¡Acércate a nosotros! Constitutive Amount (Monto Constitutivo) The worker’s integrated daily wage registered with the IMSS and which is used to calculate payable by the employer to the Institute, as well as the benefits the worker is entitled to, among which are the contributions to the individual account. The resources for this period can be transferred to the individual account only if the respective bank receipt is obtained. Solicitud de constancia de intereses reales pagados de crédito hipotecario FOVISSSTE. Institution in charge of safekeeping the physical certificates of the Debt issues at National and International level. Distribution Pensions System (Régimen de Pensiones de Reparto) Resources managed by the AFORES and which derive from the workers’ contributions and resources as well as from the AFORES own capital. Committee whose purpose is to manage the existing risks, and supervise that the performance of the operations is in accordance with the limits, policies and procedures for the management of risks approved by the board of directors. Para conocer otros trámites del Gobierno Federal, accede a la Ventanilla Única Nacional, en el apartado de trámites,, para que consultes su información.

Document issued by the IMSS in order to evidence that the worker is no longer working and that, accordingly, the worker has stopped to quote with the Institute. 8. There exist 4 different SIEFORES according to the age of each worker, namely: SBI for 60 and older workers, SB2 for workers from 46 to 59 years old, SB3 for workers from 37 to 45 years old and SB4 for workers 36 years old and younger. Resources deposited in the individual account of each worker and which are compulsory. 7.- PLAZO DE PAGO Cuando el trámite sea efectuado por algún beneficiario deberá presentar, además de lo antes señalado, la siguiente documentación: 1.Identificación oficial vigente (Credencial para votar INE, Pasaporte o Cédula profesional). Investment Committee (Comité de Inversión) IMSS Document of Choice System 73 or 97 (Documento de Elección de Régimen 73 o 97 del IMSS) Transfers Assigned (Traspasos Cedidos) 11. Amount or periodical consideration that substitutes the income of a person upon the retirement or in evens of disability, incapacity or death (this latter case for the beneficiaries). Weak validators are only usable when the client does not require exact equality with previously obtained representation data, such as when validating a cache entry or limiting a web traversal to recent changes. The accrued contribution to quote in ISSSTE from the 1st of March, 1992 and December 31, 2007 are known as SAR ISSSTE 1992 and constitute a supplement to the pension.

These contributions are deposited in the worker’s individual account in order to supplement the pension or to be withdrawn in a single at the end of the labor life. Presencial: En las Oficinas de Atención al Público de PENSIONISSSTE, de lunes a viernes, de 09:00 a 18:00 horas. Invasion by a third party (when, mistakenly, two workers use the same NSS), or 3.

It is necessary to attend the AFORE with the Resolution of Marriage Aid issued by the IMSS, in order to make the withdrawal. Labor Risks Insurance (Seguro de Riesgos de Trabajo) The Law of Social Security states that the legal payees are: the wife or husband of the insured (in this latter case, if the husband is economic dependent on the wife) or, in absence, the couple that had lived during the last five years with the insured or that proves to have children with him; provided, however, that both of them had remained free from marriage during the concubinage; children under 16 or no older than 25 if registered as students under the National Educational System or, if the children are unable to live on themselves as a consequence of illness; the ancestors (parents), only if they are economic dependents of the worker. RCV Subaccount of Pension, Severance in elderly and Old Age (RCV Subcuenta de Retiro, Cesantía en edad avanzada y Vejez) International Equity Investments (Renta Variable Internacional) A public sector party in charge of managing individual accounts of the workers and investing and resources of such accounts, as any other AFORE. SAR 92-97    (SAR 92-97) Document issued by the IMSS and which certifies that the worker complies with the requirements to become entitled to the partial withdrawal of resources from his/her individual account in respect of aid for marriage. IMSS Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social) Decentralized body of the Ministry of Treasury and Public Credit in charge of enforcing the tax and customs laws, as well as collecting the federal taxes and controlling the import and export of merchandise in the national territory. Net Assets (Activos Netos) 7. Process under which two or more workers regularize the contributions they received under a sole social security number (NSS), by firstly attending the IMSS to request for the regularization of their personal data. The individual account is made up by 3 large subaccounts, namely: Retirement, Severance in old age and Old Age, Housing and Voluntary Saving.

VAR Value at Risk (VAR Valor en Riesgo) All promoting agents must be authorized by the CONSAR by means of approval of exams and the assignment of a Promoting Agent number. Toda la información del Gobierno de la República puedes encontrarla en un solo punto. System under which both the workers and the employers contribute to a “global fund” of the Federal Government used to finance the pensions of those who chose this system. Services Provider (Prestadora de Servicios) Solicitud de prórroga de pago de crédito hipotecario FOVISSSTE por separación del Servicio Público. 3.Clave Única de Registro de Población (CURP). ISSSTE Years of service (Años de servicio del ISSSTE) Social security institution founded as a public service for the workers affiliated to it, as well as the workers’ relatives. Social Security Institutes (Institutos de Seguridad Social) SIRI Information Reception System (SIRI Sistema de Información de Recepción) AFORES Merger (Fusión de AFORES) Es el portal único de trámites, información y participación ciudadana. Additional contributions that can be made by the employer or the worker through the payroll, directly in window, by internet, or by means of a bank card, to the worker’s individual account; these contributions can be withdrawn as from two and six months following the first deposit (depending on the AFORE). Legal Payees (Beneficiarios Legales) Contract under which the parties are bound to purchase or sell a number of goods or securities in the future at a previously established price. Scheduled Withdrawal (Retiro Programado)


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