no comments or no comment
| Is Jenicel's response above referring to something other than MSN or just not accurate? Great! You are driving people away since they can't voice their opinion. We don't know when they will file their proxy, we don't know when they are going to have a shareholder vote. (i.e. Ctrl+Enter creates a new line and doesn't post the comment. I suspect that the reason those readers remember that helpful comment is because it's so unusual. I suggest looking for the link, post it to me and I will see if I can find a comments section for you. However, the number of hits for "I have no comment" is more than double that of "I have no comments" in Google. 17 Oct. 2020. E-mail us. I used to comment on any article I wanted, now I can't. Top synonyms for no comment (other words for no comment) are not comment, any comment and any observation. I see that you have responded differently. How satisfied are you with this response? I don't care what those programmers thought their code was doing -- I only care what their code actually does (though I do care why the previous programmers thought the code was necessary). Thanks. Make up your own mind on what's happening around the world. English I would also like to make reference to some comments made about imported food. Peter tweets about his VSM columns with the hashtag #vogelarticles. Commenting the "why" and not the "how" is a good first step. Vocabulary Words For Task 1: Reference Post. Well, then, "I have no comment" is not actually an answer to the question. żadnego komentarza czy żadnych komentarzy. She'll catch up. Over the past several weeks, many of you have inquired about the status of Mike Adams, Dr. Mike Adams, in light of the public attention generated by comments he made on his personal social media channels. Co zrobić, gdy ktoś dodał zdjęcie z nami na nk, a sobie tego nie życzymy? For example, "he has no wife" but not "he has no wives". Meaning of no comment. In the newspapers, I think they expect, or hope for at least one. But I suspect that those people are doing what psychics ask their customers to do: count the hits and forget the misses. Documenting and, especially, rewriting documentation to keep it in sync with code, is a task that we should, every year, be trying to do less of. Thanks, Gordon. B: "No comment." So now we can't leave a comment for whatever you write or follow up on! To a certain extent, I feel like Dirty Harry in Magnum Force: "I'm afraid you've misjudged me"…but not totally. So, logically, "I have no comments" should be more appropriate. Peter Vogel responds to the furor about his contention that developers do too much code commenting. Thanks for marking this as the answer. nie jest odpowiedzialne za ich brzmienie. nie jest odpowiedzialne za ich brzmienie. contact the editors of the News Source and voice your opinion. Gary George said,' It seems we've lost our original tapes of the Apollo 11 EVA,' quite frankly, I was sitting at the table drinking a beer and I said,' Well damn, I have those,'. To make life easier for the next developer, code should be written and rewritten to be as obvious as possible. Why didn’t The Times’s community desk allow comments on a Sept. 23 article about men who believe the push for gender equality in technology ... which means fewer stories are opened for comment. Look for the MSN article again and post a link. Some readers seem to feel that I wanted to discard all documentation and referenced specifications and requirement documents as useful tools in understanding code. Why You Shouldn't Comment (or Document) Code, Binary Classification Using PyTorch: Defining a Network, Final Go-Live .NET 5 Release Candidate Ships Ahead of Nov. 10 Debut, Edge Browser Dev Tools for VS Code Now Generally Available, Microsoft Is Leader in API Management, Seen as Key to Post-Pandemic 'New Normal', Microsoft Says .NET 5 Replaces .NET Standard (Except for ...), For ASP.NET Core in .NET 6, Devs want AOT Compilation, Application Layer Attack Trends Through the Lens of Cloudflare Data. A reporter from the original source did. '"I'm Not Obsessed: Michael Lohan Has A Lot to Say (December 27, 2008)7. bo na nk jak chcę wyszukać znajomych pisze proszę czekąć łączenie z serwerem, Najczęstsze problemy z nk i ich rozwiązania. (i.e. Web. We will have no further comment on this matter at this time, but we plan to share an update later this week regarding how we hope to move forward as a university community. In highlighting updates to ASP.NET Core in the just-launched second and final Release Candidate of .NET 5, Microsoft pointed out better debugging for Blazor, the red-hot project that allows for C# coding of web projects. Some readers suggested that comments provided insight into what previous programmers thought their code was doing. Lindsay’s only response was, 'look at him! His blog posts on user experience design can be found at Since customers pay the bills, their view is the only view that matters. Reuters, People, L.A. Times, etc..). No comment is a phrase used as a response to journalistic inquiries which the respondent does not wish to answer. He says that documenting code, while it may be necessary, isn't valuable. Well, exactly. Połącz przyjemne z pożytecznym. NASA admitted in 2006 that no one could find the original video recordings of the historic moon landing. So, logically, "I have no comments" should be more appropriate. An "official" refusal to relay any further information, as a response to a newspaper reporter's question. I honestly can’t offer a comment on any others who have participated since then… I never had time to watch. A: "Governor, how long have you been accepting bribes?" Definition of no comment in the dictionary. Since these documents exist before the code is written, I have nothing to say about them (at least, not right now). More on code commenting: Why You Shouldn't Comment (or Document) Code; To Comment or Not to Comment; A few weeks back, my column on the value of comments in code caught a lot of comments itself. - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar, Wszystko, co musisz wiedzieć o życiu w innym państwie. Poniższe tłumaczenia pochodzą z zewnętrznych źródeł i mogą być niedokładne. [But] those who are tapped to do the halftime show are very lucky and part of a very exclusive club… which I suppose makes me the matriarch. Bajkaaa I think the plural is usually the better choice if the context is not clear. I will allow that there is one exception: there are times when you're forced to write clever, rather than obvious, code to achieve some goal (usually better performance). no comment -to bez kometarza [czyli liczba pojedyncza wiec nie ma na koncu "s" However, that's a sufficiently unusual occurrence that I omitted it. Arguing with Readers I keep getting from you a plug in has been removed, what plug in? STANDS4 LLC, 2020. Public figures may decline to comment on issues they are questioned or have nothing to say about the issue at the time. Czy wiesz, że wszystkie nasze słowniki działają w dwóch kierunkach? Note: Some news sources do not allow comments. specyfika języka, no comment- bez komentarza Jak dodać filmik z youtube do " O sobie " na NK. Dosłownie "bez komentarza", używane raczej jako "brak mi słów by określić jak bardzo coś/ktoś jest beznadziejne". English I will be honest with you: this kind of comment rather surprises me at times. Reuters, People, L.A. Times, etc..) This will take you to the Original Story where you can look for a Comments section. Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. To a certain extent, I feel like Dirty Harry in Magnum Force: "I'm afraid you've misjudged me"…but not totally. B: "No comment." ESC moves you out of the comment. instead of "Do you have any comment?" Look to the left or upper middle menu to see the "Source Icon". We all know that the hit counts in Google doesn't mean correctness, but I am still confused. We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate image within your search results please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. This has been a temorary problem for about 1 year now. Кто-то говорит, что можно говорить и так, и так; кто-то говорит, что правильный вариант только один. Przykłady użycia - "no comment" po polsku Poniższe tłumaczenia pochodzą z zewnętrznych źródeł i mogą być niedokładne. Microsoft has moved its Edge browser development tools for Visual Studio Code from preview to general availability, providing in-editor web site debugging and other functionality. What I mean by staying quiet - If it has upset you to the point you need to make a comment and can find no way to state your opinion, Staying quiet is not going to help. While it adds value to our lives, our customers/clients/users would be just as happy if we could deliver the application without doing it. That column was driven by three fundamental facts: Based on those three facts, my claim is simple: your code is going to communicate to the computer and should also communicate to whoever maintains the code (who may be you, three months from now). Chcesz pograć? But excepting the title, the rest of the article still makes sense. In 2008, Gary George was vacationing with a NASA friend who told Gary George Gary George was tasked with locating the lost videotapes. ( no comment) 2015-11-19 16:06:48 Co jest lesze LIKE czy COMMENT LIKE to deska COMMENT to rolki 2012-12-08 20:42:06 Czy wiesz, że trafiłem do Top Comment pod Smile Songiem? Feedback? We can now share the update that after a discussion with Chancellor Chancellor Jose V. Sartarelli, Mike Adams has decided to retire from UNCW, effective August 1, 2020. Information and translations of no comment in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. We truly appreciate your support. Adding comments to explain how your code does its job -- which (I think) some readers were recommending -- is not the solution. Problems? no comments - bez komentarzy [czyli liczba mnoga, wiec na koncu jest "s", obojętnie. In that case a comment about how the code works (really, a kind of apology to the next programmer) is a good idea. any comments/comment; If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. If you wish to make a comment, click on the article. Hard to argue with that, of course. . All comments can be shown in a pane alongside the data. Writing and then maintaining comments is an expense. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. So right now I'd say it's not appropriate for me to comment on Alere. Some readers seemed to think that I was advocating "no comments at all" despite the first two paragraphs. W słowniku angielsko-polskim znajdziesz Więcej tłumaczeń. To me that is the typical media. Thanks!). Documentation is necessary work. As I said earlier, MSN does not write the article. The column's content seemed so obvious to me that it was hard, initially, for me to figure what people were objecting to (when I wrote the column, I thought I was just repeating conventional wisdom). PH&V provides full-stack consulting from UX design through object modeling to database design. no comment's - bez komentarzy International and European news images without commentary. Peter Vogel is a system architect and principal in PH&V Information Services. A refusal to say the obvious impolite retort. No Comment, Euronews. Or, to put it another way, we should do as little necessary work as we can to spend more time on delivering value to our users. However, I am still confused about which is correct? The result was very positive, so I did it again. NO COMMENT OPTION, is there. Officials not given authorization by their higher authority to speak to the media similarly may decline to comment. zapytał(a) 18.08.2009 o 18:26, 0 ocen Actually reporters don't directly say "Do you have a comment? (Actually, I'm OK with being called an intellectual. Часто слышу употребление обоих вариантов no comment и no comments . You are, on the other hand, guaranteed that the computer is doing exactly what your code is telling it to. - Alden Rey, Microsoft, These News Articles come from third-party sources who "Feed" the information to MSN. There is no comment option. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. We should do all the necessary work we have to do -- and not one bit more. A: "It just seems a bit odd that your salary increase comes at the exact same time as the pay cut to your employees." Oznacza to, że możesz szukać słów w obu językach jednocześnie. The U.S. space agency did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the upcoming auction. believe anyone else. Today, on TMZ, my darling daughter Lindsay was asked for a comment in response to me saying, "Samantha is on drugs!" What is the point of reading anything that you have to print. Definicja słowa No comments w serwisie First, I'd want to know if that helpful comment described how the code did its job (bad) or described why the code was there (good!). Said as a reply to a question or insinuation. Good Bye! No Comment synonyms. You cannot currently format text or add images inside threaded comments. I am proud of it now, but at the time I certainly didn’t know it was going to be that big of a deal, we just saw it as an opportunity to promote the current show. It's just adding more cost. It is just another way of saying "I decline to answer your question." We would normally ask "Do you have any comments?" However, the number of hits for "I have no comment" is more than double that of "I have no comments" in Google. The numerical value of no comment in Chaldean Numerology is: 8, The numerical value of no comment in Pythagorean Numerology is: 4. I have had enough. Listen to what we say, do as we say and don't A few weeks back, my column on the value of comments in code caught a lot of comments itself. Jenicel is new to MSN Forum and wasn't present when the plugin was removed and replaced by Publisher icons. Others recalled occasions when a comment really helped them out. It is your opinion and nobody can respond. What does no comment mean? In that case, Glad we agree. Having been deemed "feature complete" and "near final" and "go live" for some time now, .NET 5 is out in a second and final Release Candidate, scheduled for a Nov. 10 debut during .NET Conf 2020. If the speaker wishes to talk about the subject, but does not wish to be named as a source, they must obtain the journalist's explicit agreement in advance that the response is not to be used for attribution. Ctrl+Enter posts the comment. I've heard that either the singular or plural can be used after "no" depending on the context. It is up to you whether you want to follow the directions I listed above or just stay quiet. Thanks for your vote! Note: Some news sources do not allow comments. Get instant definitions for any word that hits you anywhere on the web! Which leaves necessary work. Co to znaczy No comments? You examples are very good. You may post your criticisms/comments to the Reporter or Editor of the source. Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research tackles how to define a network in the second of a series of four articles that present a complete end-to-end production-quality example of binary classification using a PyTorch neural network, including a full Python code sample and data files. To my mind, more often than not, that justification just provides an excuse for not writing better code. [email protected]. Przykłady użycia - "no comments" po polsku Poniższe tłumaczenia pochodzą z zewnętrznych źródeł i mogą być niedokładne. "no comment." Note that some publishers do not allow comments. Why can't I comment on MSN articles. nie jest odpowiedzialne za ich brzmienie. We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. 2012-09-08 00:53:24 The link will take you to the Source - Would you mind posting a link to the MSN news article so I may test it? What's left for comments to do is explain what the compiler doesn't have access to: why the code is there. Copyright ©, o ile nie podano inaczej.


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